Strings Attached first AGM – 19 February 2012

The first Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday 19 February 2012 at 1300 in the Founders’ Room at the Dome Brighton


  1. Chair’s welcome
  2. To adopt the constitution of Strings Attached
    The Committee proposes we use the Charity Commission model constitution for Small Charities (i.e. those with an income of less than £5,000 p.a.)
  3. To consider the Annual Report of the Committee of Strings
  4.  To receive the audited financial accounts for the year ended 31 December 2011
  5. To agree the annual subscription for 2013: it is proposed by the Committee that this should remain at the current level of £10 per Friend of Strings Attached
  6. To appoint members to the Committee
  7. To reflect on the activity of Strings Attached – in particular the Coffee Concerts
  8. To receive ideas for the future development and activity of Strings Attached
  9. Any other business

This agenda, along with papers supporting items 2, 3 and 4, can be seen on the homepage of this website and downloaded.