Strings Attached
Supporting high quality Chamber Music in Brighton and Hove
Working with Brighton Dome and Brighton Festival to ensure the future of top quality chamber music concerts. We represent the audience and encourage everyone to share our enjoyment. We also encourage and support local concerts and amateur players.
Annual General Meeting
This year’s AGM, our 14th, will be held at 9 Powis Square, Brighton BN1 3HH on Friday, 14 March at 12 noon.
Because the AGM is being held in a private home, it is vital that you let us know by Friday, 28 February at the latest if you intend to come by contacting the Secretary, Margaret Polmear at membership@stringsattachedmusic.org.uk. This is so that appropriate seating can be provided or an alternative larger venue arranged if expected attendance makes this necessary.
About us
Strings Attached is a membership organisation which aims to promote, develop and help publicise high quality chamber music in the Brighton & Hove area.
We encourage and support both professional and amateur chamber music making. To further our aims, we have a small committee whose volunteer members work in partnership with a range of organisations including Brighton Dome & Brighton Festival.
The Sunday morning Coffee Concerts, organised by colleagues at Brighton Dome & Brighton Festival, are the regular highlight of our musical calendar.
We keep an updated calendar of forthcoming concerts and a list of concert venues in Brighton and Hove and the surrounding area – there is a lot going on!
Strings Attached aims to ensure that the pleasure of listening to high quality chamber music is available to everyone in Brighton and Hove and the surrounding area. We are especially pleased to welcome young people to the audience of the Brighton Dome and Festival Coffee concerts through our membership of the Cavatina Scheme.
Join Strings Attached now
Next Concert:
16 March 2025
Contact information
general information:
membership enquiries:
local players directory:
postal address:
9 Powis Square, Brighton BN1 3HH, England