Many Strings Attached members will remember Joan Griffiths who, before her death, was one of our most loyal and generous supporters. Her husband Mike has asked us to circulate this invitation to our members. The concert is to celebrate her love of life and the arts and, in particular, music.
Note that entry is free but that tickets should be secured in advance.
Mike Griffiths cordially invites you to:
A Celebration for Joan
with Brighton and East Sussex Youth Orchestra String Ensemble
Joan Griffiths was a keen appreciator of music and modern art, a vital member of Brighton & Hove Arts Council and the Kemp Town Society committees and a passionate supporter of young musicians.
Joan’s invaluable work and donations have enabled many disadvantaged young people to learn instruments, play in ensembles and perform at concerts. A bursary for young musicians in her honour will continue that work. In this concert, young players from the String Ensemble perform in celebration of Joan’s life.
Saturday 2 July at 7pm (doors open 6.30pm)
The Royal Pavilion Music Room
4/5 Pavilion Buildings, Brighton BN1 1EE
Please reserve seats in advance to
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