Newsletter #71

Many Strings Attached Friends will already be aware that Andrew Polmear, who has until this issue written all of our newsletters, died on 20th September. He is a huge loss for Strings Attached. An appreciation of his life and contribution follows at the end of this newsletter, which is a joint effort by members of the committee.

The 2022/23 Strings Attached Coffee Concert season opens on Sunday 16th October at the Attenborough Centre for the Creative Arts (ACCA) at the University of Sussex.

Quatuor Agate

16 October 2022     11 a.m.
Quatuor Agate

Boccherini String Quartet in G minor, Op.32 No.5
  Bartok String Quartet No.6 in D minor
  Brahms String Quartet No.3 in B flat, Op.67

Tickets are available from the Brighton Dome box office (01273 709709) or online at for £18.50 (concessions £16). A season ticket for all six concerts is £99 (concessions £84) and a half-season ticket £49.50 (concessions £42). Tickets for individual concerts are available from ACCA on the day.

Tickets for those aged 8 to 25 are free under the Cavatina Scheme. These free tickets can only be booked by visiting one of the box offices in person. The Brighton Dome box office can issue them in advance; the ACCA box office will be open on the morning of the concert. Either the young person should be present at the time of booking, or the person booking must show proof of age, e.g. a passport. Under 14s must be accompanied to the concert by a paying adult.


20 November 2022 Paddington Trio
11 December 2022 Quatuor Arod
22 January 2023 Philip Higham (cello)
19 February 2023 Heath Quartet
19 March 2023 Joanna MacGregor and Brighton Philharmonic Chamber Ensemble



Membership Renewal
If you haven’t renewed your membership, it would be really helpful if you could do so before the first concert of the season so that the queue at the Membership Desk isn’t too long!
The membership fee remains £10 per person. If possible, use the online form which can be found at . If you prefer, print off the form and post it or attach it to an email to

Payment by bank transfer is far more convenient for us than payment by cheque.  Please use your surname as the reference.

Paid up members will receive a membership card at the concert and this will give access to free interval drinks – sherry or fruit juice.

We hope you will choose to renew your membership and support our work.

In memory of Andrew Polmear

Andrew Polmear

It is with great sadness that we report the death of Andrew Polmear on the 20th September after a short illness. He was an exceptionally important contributor to the success of Strings Attached from the outset and has scarcely missed a Coffee Concert.

Andrew and Margaret, his wife, hosted innumerable committee meetings and AGMs in their Brighton home with generosity and verve and they were also responsible for making possible the all-important interval drinks at the Attenborough Centre!
Many of you will have conversed with Andrew during those intervals and will know of his kind and sensitive manner, deep and extensive musical knowledge and his concern for others (albeit coupled with his inimitable wicked wit). These qualities, not to mention his talent as a cellist, are all the more remarkable given the demands of his outstanding career in, and contribution to, medicine.

He initiated the Strings Attached Newsletter to better reach out to the membership and thus ensure their awareness of upcoming Coffee Concerts and other musical activity in the city. Not only did he initiate the idea, but he prepared every issue until the 70th edition which he sent out in August this year when he was already very ill.
As well as the Newsletter, his engaging reviews of almost every Coffee Concert, and published on the website, were always thought-provoking and enlightening – they remained a joy to read long after the concert and are now a lasting memorial to his intellect and musicianship.

We have all enjoyed his enormous generosity through very significant financial, often anonymous, concert sponsorship. It is important that we recognise this fully now despite his modest wish to forego public acknowledgement.

Andrew will be very much missed by all in Strings Attached, by our partners in Brighton Dome & Brighton Festival and in the wider artistic community. Our heartfelt condolences go to Margaret in her inestimable loss.

Donations in Andrew’s memory should be made to The Martletts using this site:

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