Welcome to the news and views area!
Here you will find our news. But we want to hear what you think about Chamber Music in Brighton and Hove, so please do leave comments. Our news, your views.
To start us off – here are a few details we’ve just heard about how the ticketing will work for the Coffee Concerts at Brighton Dome. When we receive your Friends application form, we’ll give you a code to use to buy your season ticket direct from the Brighton Dome Box Office at the Strings Attached member price of £65 for the season. (you can only do this in person or by telephone – it can’t be done online). We’ll start sending the codes out at about the time the tickets go on sale, in early September.
Seats will be unreserved, which means that we will all get a chance to try out different positions in both the Brighton Dome – Corn Exchange and also on the stage of the Brighton Dome itself. Using the stage at Brighton Dome – Concert Hall for both the musicians and the audience will be an interesting experience which I am certainly looking forward to. Then, after the performance, the mezzanine bar will be open for everyone who has been at the concert and there will be a opportunity to meet the musicians.
I’m looking forward to meeting you there. We want to make this series a big success, and ensure it runs for a long time to come – so please tell your friends about it.
Best wishes
Mary McKean
Chair, Strings Attached