Newsletter #2     April 2015

Dear Friend,

This is a special extra newsletter to let you know about an event hosted by the Sussex Branch of the Jewish Historical Society of England on 28th April, which, in view of the special role played by chamber music in the holocaust, we thought might interest Friends.

Here is the text of notice we have received:

We are very pleased to have a talk by Dr Shirli Gilbert on:

Music and the Holocaust

Dr Gilbert is Ian Karten Senior Lecturer University of Southampton and a specialist in modern Jewish history with a focus on the Holocaust period.  Her book Music in the Holocaust (Oxford University Press, 2005) examines the role of music in the Nazi ghettos and camps and the insight it offers into victims’ responses. The book was a finalist for the American National Jewish Book Award and has been translated into Spanish and Japanese. It was also the basis for a large-scale educational website Music and the Holocaust.

Our meetings are held at the Jewish Centre, Ralli Hall, Denmark Villas, Hove, which is adjacent to Hove Railway Station.  We start at 7.45pm, talks last for 45-50 minutes and are followed by questions, discussion and light refreshments. We aim to conclude by about 9.30.

Entry is free for members of the Jewish Historical Society and students.
For all most welcome visitors we charge £4.

If you would like further information and/or wish to attend please contact us so that we can plan numbers.
Arthur Oppenheimer
01273 770094

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