Newsletter: 15th November 2020

22 November coffee concert streamed live from Brighton Dome

We are pleased to say that arrangements for the streaming of the coffee concert at 11.30am on 22 November, given by the Gildas Quartet and Joanna MacGregor (piano), are confirmed. If you have not yet booked a ‘ticket’ for the stream you can do so from the Brighton Dome box office here for £5 per household.

Indispensable programme notes by Chris Darwin can be found by clicking here or, if you want them in pdf format, so that you can print them more easily, click here.

Membership renewal
As indicated in a previous email, the Strings Attached membership of everyone who has paid a subscription to 31 July 2020 will be renewed automatically to 31 July 2021, without charge. We are very grateful to those of you who have nevertheless chosen to pay your subscription for 2020/21, and who have, in some cases, added generous donations. As we have previously said, such subscriptions and donations put Strings Attached in a stronger financial position and help us to contribute with confidence to the unprecedented costs of putting on concerts in Covid times. If you haven’t already done so and would like to renew your subscription voluntarily for 2020/21, membership renewal forms are available here. Payment can be made by bank transfer or by cheque but the form still needs to be sent by post. For Gift Aid reasons please complete one per person.

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